Saturday, December 5, 2009

"Mercury" - Chris Walla and J. Robbins

This is the neatest NPR special I have ever heard/seen in my life. NPR has a show called "Project Song" where they give musicians who have not previously met two days to create a song, with their only inspiration being a photograph and a word. Chris Walla is a guitarist for Death Cab for Cutie, my favorite band of all time, and a music producer as well. J. Robbins is a rock artist. Both are American.

So take a few minutes off and watch this incredible video!

And let me know what you think in the comments section!


asliceofcake said...


Adam said...

this is one of my favorite videos on YouTube, no lie.

asliceofcake said...

Question, in this video chris and the other guy create the music first and then chris writes a song for that piece of music, is that how it always goes? As in the music comes first than the lyrics? or is it really whatever? i was wondering about this today.

Adam said...

Good question. Different people do it different ways. Some people, like rappers, buy beats and songs that songwriters have written and just throw them together (I'm not even lying, that's seriously what they do). I think most musicians write the lyrics and the music together.

asliceofcake said...

yeah i think i can see that what ever comes first is what they pretty much work off of.
i have a feeling that writing music or making a song is the closest thing to magic, lol as corny as that sounds.